
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Progress/Under Construction

I wasn’t sure what to write about and figured my blog should also act as a reminder for the list of things to be done/books to be read and reviewed.

Currently writing:

·        Review of Shiri by D.S. Taylor (for Author Alliance)

Currently Reading:

·        30 Scary Tales by Rayne Hall (Halloween Review)
·        Entitlement by Mike Worley (Mystery) (for Author Alliance)
·        Twin Magnolia: A Soul Call by Victoria Propescu (for Author Alliance)

For Author Alliance means I will post it here on the blog, two weeks after its publication on the Author Alliance website and will also be tweeting about it from here.

Starting 1st of November, I will be reading the following:

·        2 Officers by Essam Youssef (Arabic), which I will be reviewing in both Arabic and English.
·        Twin Magnolia – if I haven’t finished it – though hopefully I will by the 30th of October.

I will be looking forward to some more Arabic reads then and hopefully pick up with studying and revising my previous German levels and reading some short or children’s stories or blog posts.

With all these to-dos, it’s a bit hard to focus on writing much, if at all. So the moment I finish October’s to-read, I’ll be back to writing poetry and stories and taking a closer look at the writing prompts. This week’s #VisDare looks interesting, might try to give it a shot sometime tomorrow. I’m also looking forward to Lillie McFerrin’s weekly word prompt, which will be posted tomorrow.

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