Sunday, October 30, 2016

Excerpt from cozy mystery Send in the Clowns

Book: Send in the Clowns
Author: Julie Mulhern
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Henery Press
Publication date: 25 October 25 2016)
Paperback: 246 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635110814
E-Book ASIN: B01J499OUE


Haunted houses are scary enough without knife-wielding clowns. Especially murderous knife-wielding clowns. So thinks Ellison Russell, single mother, artist, and reluctant sleuth. 
Now death wears a red nose and Ellison is up to the blood-stained collar of her new trench coat in costumes, caffeine, and possible killers. Who stabbed Brooks Harney? And why? Money? Jealousy? Drugs?
With Mother meddling, her father furious, and her date dragged downtown for questioning, turns out Ellison's only confidante is Mr. Coffee.


I moved on. Searching in each room. Discovering hidey holes for the characters who terrorized kids eager to be scared.
            I paused in a room that felt as big as a shoebox and called, “Grace.”
            Well, nothing if you don’t count a man wearing an executioner’s hood and bearing an axe. “My daughter is missing,” I told him. “Have you seen a teenage girl by herself?”
            He grunted and hefted the axe onto his muscle bound shoulder.
            The next room looked like a circus gone bad. Ripped red and white stripped fabric half covered the walls and drooped from the ceiling. A popcorn machine with a head inside the glass sat in a corner. A demented calliope song was just audible over the screams of the girls in the room in front of me. And there were clowns.
            Two of them.
            I hate clowns. That’s not strong enough. I abhor clowns. Clowns chill my blood. Clowns turn my normally reliable knees to the consistency of the tomato aspic the chef at the club serves at ladies’ lunches in the summertime. I. Despise. Clowns. And those are the friendly ones at the circus who wear big shoes and cram into tiny cars.
            Don’t ask why. Some fears are just visceral. Snakes. Spiders. Clowns. Pick your poison.
            These clowns weren’t of the friendly variety. They had pointed teeth. They wore wicked expressions. And, despite the cheery ruffs at their necks, they were the stuff of nightmares. One of the clowns staggered toward me. Yes, he had a red nose. Yes, he had fuzzy hair. But he also had a grin evil enough to send my knees past tomato aspic straight to tomato bisque.

Books in the Country Club Murders Humorous Mystery Series:

Keep up with the rest of the tour here.


About the Author:

Julie Mulhern is the USA Today bestselling author of The Country Club Murders. She is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. She spends her spare time whipping up gourmet meals for her family, working out at the gym and finding new ways to keep her house spotlessly clean--and she's got an active imagination. Truth is--she's an expert at calling for take-out, she grumbles about walking the dog and the dust bunnies under the bed have grown into dust lions.

Author Links

Purchase Links

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Effect of Words – Guest Post by Cathy Ace

Today, I'm featuring cozy mystery author Cathy Ace in a guest post about her newest instalment in the Cait Morgan mystery series The Corpse with the Ruby Lips.

Check out my five-star book review of the book here.

The Corpse with the Ruby Lips
(A Cait Morgan Mystery)
Author: Cathy Ace
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Publisher: TouchWood Editions
Date of publication: 1 November, 2016)
Paperback: 240 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1771511957


Quirky criminology professor Cait Morgan is invited to be a guest lecturer at a Budapest university, and although she’s hesitant to go without her husband and trusted sidekick, Bud, who must stay home to care for his aging parents, she decides to make the month-long trip on her own.

Soon after arriving, one of her new students, Zsofia, pleads with Cait to help her uncover any clues about her grandmother’s unsolved murder, which happened decades ago on the campus of Cait’s own home university in Canada. Cait agrees, but when she is repeatedly hassled by an creepy colleague, and as bizarre details about Zsofia’s family members come to light, Cait is beset by uncertainty.

As she gets closer to the truth, Cait’s investigation puts the powers-that-be on high alert, and her instincts tell her she’s in grave danger. Bud races to Budapest to come to Cait’s side, but will it be too late?

The Effect of Words – Guest Post by Cathy Ace

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be here – it’s a great chance for me to talk about something that means a great deal to me…the themes which run through books, just beneath, or even on, the surface.
Sometimes authors do more than one thing when they write a book: certainly they seek to tell a story (in my case a puzzling murder case is always investigated) but they’ll also often do something else…explore a theme that’s relevant to the plot, meaningful to themselves, or both. This is certainly something I’ve done in the past (there’s a leitmotif of opera running through Cait Morgan Mystery #4, THE CORPSE WITH THE PLATINUM HAIR, for example, and in THE CORPSE WITH THE SAPPHIRE EYES, I focused on the difference between what we see, and what’s really there).

In this latest Cait Morgan Mystery, THE CORPSE WITH THE RUBY LIPS, I’ve allowed myself (and Cait) to dwell on that old saying “Sticks and stones might break my bones, but words will never harm me”. With “LIPS” being in the title, it might come as no surprise that the effect upon us of those things which come from our lips…our words…is something that’s relevant to the book. But it’s also relevant to me, personally.

Like Cait, I’m Welsh, which means I grew up with words and songs playing a massive role in my life. The Welsh love to talk, and sing – and I was no exception. Indeed, the only cup I ever won in my life wasn’t for running or swimming, or sports of any kind, but for public speaking. I captained our school’s debating team, I performed on stage in plays, musicals and in concert parties from an early age, and sang in many choirs, often three or four at a time. So, yes, for me, the spoken and sung word was a core part of my life. Oddly, despite the fact I belonged to many groups – each of which had a common performance-based cause – I wasn’t really a “joiner”. Like many who end up writing, I was always an outsider, an observer standing just a little apart from the rest.

I was vaguely aware of girls whispering about me behind my back at my all-girls-school but, to be honest, I never felt the weight of their words or opinions because, to me, what they thought about me didn’t matter as much as what I thought of myself…and I was always happy to enjoy my singing, acting, speaking life just beyond the reach of anyone’s judgement.

But that’s not how it goes for everyone; for some, words spoken can sting not only at the time, but for many years to come. Sometimes the overheard unkind remark, the susurration of gossip, or the flat-out abusive comments inflicted upon them not only scar them for life, but completely change the type of life they feel they are able to lead. So, yes, the role of words play a big part in this book – words spoken, gossip that’s life-changing, listening to people’s “private” conversations…they all play their part in a tale of a cold crime that reaches out and touches the family of the victim in unforeseen ways, and of how not only words that are spoken can hurt, but of how words not spoken – when they should have been – can have disastrous consequences.

Keep up with the rest of the tour here.

As part of the tour with Lori Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, there is a GIVEAWAY!

About the Author:

Cathy Ace loves crime! It’s true – she discovered Nancy Drew in her local library, then found Agatha Christie on her Mum’s bookshelves, and she never looked back. Cathy happily admits that the characters she met between the book-covers as a child have influenced her writing. “Nancy Drew was plucky, strong and independent, and Agatha Christie’s puzzles engaged me every time. I love the sort of book that mixes intricate plotting with a dash of danger, and that’s what I’ve tried to create with my Cait Morgan Mystery Series. Beginning my new series, featuring the women of the WISE Enquiries Agency, I have been able to indulge my love of stately homes, village life and the interplay between characters that can take place in that sort of setting.”

Born and raised in Swansea, South Wales, Cathy is, like her heroine Cait Morgan, now a Canadian citizen. “Cait’s Welsh Canadian, as am I. They say ‘write what you know’, so a short, plus-sized Welsh woman, who’s quite bossy, fits the bill! But Cait and I are not one and the same: she’s got skills and talents I don’t possess, and I’m delighted to say that I don’t usually encounter corpses wherever I go! I’ve also chosen to burrow even deeper into my roots by creating a new cast of characters in the WISE women who come from all four corners of the United Kingdom and work in a uniquely British setting – a ducal estate set in the rolling Welsh countryside of the Wye Valley in Powys, where I spent a good deal of time when I was young.”

With a successful career in marketing having given her the chance to write training courses and textbooks, Cathy has now finally turned her attention to her real passion: crime fiction. Her short stories have appeared in multiple anthologies. Two of her works, “Dear George” and “Domestic Violence”, have also been produced by Jarvis & Ayres Productions as “Afternoon Reading” broadcasts for BBC Radio 4.

Cathy now writes two series of traditional mysteries: The Cait Morgan Mysteries (TouchWood Editions) and The WISE Enquiries Agency Mysteries (Severn House Publishers).

Cathy is proud to be Chair of Crime Writers of Canada, a member of Sisters in Crime, the Crime Writers Association, and Mystery Writers of America.

Author Links:

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Takhayyal #WritingPrompt no. 47: Darkness Cometh!

Welcome HALLOWEEN! And welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Zombies, Artists, Poets, Writers, Authors, Dreamers, Friends and Family; WELCOME EVERYONE to Nadaness In Motion's bi-weekly picture-prompt writing challenge Takhayyal!

Nothing like a little darkness to awaken the demons ahead of the 31st!

What does this image awaken in you?

Photo credit: Pakinam El Banna. Deviantart. 

Arabic for Imagine, Takhayyal is a means to get inspired and spark our writing once more.
Your post can be in English or Arabic, prose, poetry, short story, flash fiction; you name it and write it.

General rules:
·        No nudity, violence, and/or abuse.
·        Leave the link to your post in comments below OR post your piece as REPLY to this post
·        Your piece MUST be inspired in some way or other by the above picture
·        Multiple entries allowed
·        It is not required but it is a nice and encouraging gesture to comment on others' pieces.
·        Feel free to add your Twitter handle (@....) so I can tag you in my tweets!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Excerpt from Skye by Kimberly Loth

Kimberly Loth
(The Dragon Kings, #4)
Publication date: October 19th 2016
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult

Rowan Winters is completely in love. With a shifter dragon.

But the drop-dead gorgeous Skye only thinks of Rowan as her best friend. But when she turns up in his room in the middle of the night in tears, he yearns to do whatever he can to help her. Even if that means running away and letting his family think he’s dead.

Skye’s entire world turns upside down the day her scales turns black. She knows she’ll have to flee to find answers. But she wasn’t planning on Rowan coming too. She just wanted to say goodbye. He is so eager to help that she can’t leave him behind even though she knows she’ll never be able to love him in return.

Together, they fight off murderous dragons and uncover sinister plans. But can they find the answers Skye so desperately seeks? And can Rowan sacrifice everything he knows to win her heart?


Skye was a coward. She knew that, but she couldn’t bring herself to stay and watch Sid and Aspen commit suicide. There was no way the council would allow Aspen to become queen.
Not to mention that then Skye would have to know the exact moment when she died, because anyone who pledged loyalty to Sid would die the second he did. No, running away was better. She should have enough time to get to her parents before death came. She’d able to say goodbye.
This was her fault. Pearl had told her to keep Aspen safe. Instead she’d gone and made everything worse. Maybe if she’d kept Aspen at home, Sid would’ve been fine.
If she’d never given Sid that damn loyalty seal, she wouldn’t be this close to death. She wasn’t sure what she was thinking at that time. Part of her thought he’d make it. Another part didn’t care whether she lived or died. It wasn’t like she’d have much of a life anymore.
When Sid became King she found Everett and begged him to remove the seal that marked how much she loved him. He did and now she longer had a swirl of gold on her ankle. But Everett warned her there would be a price to pay. She gladly paid it at the time, but but she hadn’t expected to feel so empty.
For a half second she thought about heading to Everett’s instead of her parents. Maybe he could remove the loyalty seal before she died. She shook her head. How cowardly of her. The price would not be worth it. That was for sure.
She was only fooling herself though. She would make the same decision if given the choice. Aspen was the only way they could possibly survive. When Skye dropped Aspen off , there were three possible outcomes. One, she and Sid would die and all those with loyalty seals would as well. Two, Helios, the final dragon that Sid needed to secure all the loyalty seals got to him before the council had a chance to killed him. Or three. Aspen could be become queen. She’d have to convince the council that she should be queen and pass the queen’s tests She hoped Aspen could do it.
She felt her wings tiring. This could be the beginning of her death. She hadn’t known anyone who had died because of the loyalty seal and didn’t know how it worked. She spotted a lake below her and decided to stop and get a drink. She had to make it home.
Skye landed a little rougher than normal. This had to be the end. She staggered over to the water and took a deep drink. The water sparkled under the full moon. Skye stretched her wings out and swiveled her neck around to scratch her nose. She froze. Her wing was no longer silver.
This must be part of her death. Or at least that was what she tried to convince herself of. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and she no longer felt tired. Dragons didn’t change color before they died. In fact dragons never changed color. Except when they became king. Then they turned black.
Skye spun neck around the other direction. It was more than her wings that had changed. Her whole body was now a deep coal black.
This was impossible. There was no way she could become king. Sid was king. Unless he died. Then someone else would take his place, but that someone had to be a full royal dragon and male. Of which she was neither. There had to be some huge mistake. This had to be a dream. She stuck her head in the cold water and came out again. Still black. This wasn’t possible.
That stupid prophecy.
The one that said three kings would rise. The one that said they could come from other races. But she was still female. Something was definitely wrong. She was also still very much alive. She couldn’t go see her parents now, not like this. No, she had to go see the one dragon who could explain how this happened.
She wracked her brain trying to think of everything she’d learned about the prophecy. She loved history and so she studied a lot, but this baffled her. Nothing in the prophecy said anything about a girl. She’d spent hours listening to Everett’s boring details about the prophecy, yet he hadn’t mentioned that females could become kings. He was so in for it.

About the Author:
Kimberly Loth can’t decide where she wants to settle down. She’s lived in Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Utah, California, Oregon, and South Carolina.
She finally decided to make the leap and leave the U.S. behind for a few years. After living in Cairo, Egypt for 2 years, she's decided to go to the Far East and currently calls Shenzhen, China home. She loves romantic movies, chocolate, roses, and crazy adventures.



Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Love in an Elevator: A Romantic Comedy Anthology - Book Blast & Giveaway

Love in an Elevator: A Romantic Comedy Anthology

Laugh, swoon, and escape with this romantic comedy anthology!

love-in-an-elevatorWill an elevator ride change her life? In HOLD THE LIFT by Aven Ellis, Sierra Crawford ends up meeting sexy British hockey player Jude Parker after their elevator sticks. Sierra finds herself getting to know Jude—and she likes what she sees. But he wouldn’t be interested in a food-obsessed assistant editor right? Sierra knows she’s quirky—her fondness of Magic 8 Balls is proof of that—so there’s no way he could look her way. Or can he?

In DOWN, THEN UP by Beth Labonte, Lauren Oswald never expected to see her college love, Jamie, again. Not after the way things ended. She certainly doesn’t expect to see him ten years later at a bachelorette party in Vegas, waiting inside a hotel elevator. Slightly older. Different haircut. No wedding ring. Same eyes. As the pair embark on a late night errand, Lauren is flooded with memories of how Jamie became the one that got away—and she realizes that this one night could be their last chance to make things right.

In GOING UP? by Whitney Dineen, Fiona Kitchen had a dream when she moved to New York and it wasn’t taking a job as an elevator operator in a posh, West Side, apartment building. She also didn’t expect to meet a hot handyman, a Columbian drug lord and a notorious mob boss and then fall for one of them in a big way. Life in the Big Apple isn’t quite turning out the way she planned, but who said that was a bad thing?

In Becky Monson’s TAKING A CHANCE, Liza Parker has a fear of heights, crowds and small spaces. So what’s a girl like her doing on a crowded elevator going to the top of the Empire State Building? Freaking out, that’s what she’s doing. Enter Jay Sanders, a tourist who thinks he might be able to help Liza face her fears, but she has to be willing to spend the day with a complete stranger. Maybe taking a chance on Jay is just what Liza needs.

In HAPPY TO BE STUCK WITH YOU by Rich Amooi, Becca has had an office crush on Daniel—Mr. Delicious—for over a year. Getting stuck in an elevator with him was the last thing she expected. If only she can control her claustrophobia. To make matters worse, they're also stuck with an eighty-year-old man who has a weak bladder, and a penchant for playing cupid. But life is unpredictable. Sometimes, getting stuck is the best thing that can happen.

Computer genius Maisy Potter crosses an ocean to take her dream vacation at an English country estate … where the winsome Mark Prebys works below stairs. With him, Maisy discovers a carefree happiness she's never known. But will the troubles dogging her from back home, a secret or two whispered behind the parlour curtains, and misunderstandings to beat the band extinguish the magic they think they've found in each other? And if not, what happens when Maisy's enchanting holiday ends? Find out in UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS … AND THE LIFT IN BETWEEN by Geralyn Corcillo.

In THE ONLY WAY IS UP by Lindy Dale, Meet Bailey Burns: hottest thing on the literary circuit. And the most reluctant. After fainting in a lift and regaining consciousness to find herself kissing a stranger, Bailey thinks her week can’t get much worse. But it can. Much worse. Bailey is about to be proposed to by a crazed fan wearing a vampire costume. She’s about to discover she’s in relationship with the guy she kissed. Not only that, but said guy happens to be her new PR manager. Oh dear!

In OUT OF ORDER, by Dee Ernst, Grace has sworn off good-looking men. As soon as she starts dating one of them, she transforms from a mature, confident woman to a needy teen-aged girl. So when she meets Seth, the best-looking man she’s ever seen, she makes the right choice — forget all about him. But a neurotic golden retriever and a broken elevator keep bringing them together. Is the world working against her… or maybe the gods are finally smiling?

99 cents
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Praise for the Book
", easy, and highly entertaining reads, perfect for when you have a night in and need a little hit of frivolity and a happily ever after."-Author Jennifer Collin

"Touching, funny, and--true to the elevator theme--an uplifting and wonderful ride." -Author Jo Perry

Grab a copy of Love in an Elevator for just 99 cents this week only!

$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway

Ends 11/2/16

amazon or paypal
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Excerpt from Rebecca Gransden's anemogram

It gives me great pleasure to feature author Rebecca Gransden and her book anemogram.

Book: anemogram
Author: Rebecca Gransden
Genres: Fiction/Mystery/Magical Realism/Urban
Number of pages: 254
Publication date: 20 August 2015
Publisher: Cardboard Wall Empire


A mysterious young girl emerges from the woods. Alone, she wanders into the life of David. David is wrestling with an unsatisfactory existence and searching for a sense of purpose. He decides to look out for the girl but soon discovers she may not be all she seems.
Together they decide to seek out a place of safety, away from a world that could misunderstand their relationship. They journey through the fringe landscape of the outskirts, the rundown and forgotten. As their troubles come to the surface events take a turn that will have life-changing consequences for the both of them.
Anemogram is about a young girl and the power that is given to her. A story driven by the inner worlds of its characters, the surreal and dreamlike fuse with the mundanity of the everyday, inviting the reader to take as much as they bring.

Excerpt from anemogram

She skipped along the fence. It sagged from the top, maybe with age, perhaps from people climbing over it. Her boots scuffed up mountains of dust which she soon added to by forcefully thwacking them across the earth until her ankles hurt. She reached the dip under the fence, her entrance yesterday, and slipped under.

This time she ran around the outside of the yard. The grass was thicker and she boldly whizzed to challenge the wind. The surround of this dump went on for an age. If there was a smooth bit of fence she ran her hand along it as she ran. A rusted projection scratched at her but didn’t break the skin. She slowed, breathing hard but distracted by the oncoming entrance to the yard ahead, and the dusty track which moved away from this place.

She didn’t want to go there yet. So she turned and headed across open wasteland, into the domain of the sun and its cherishing death. She bobbed up and down and held out her white dress, spinning and drawing in the warm air. Her legs were cherubim podgy and she moved like an electrified hamster. The wasteland contoured down a textured valley which in turn vaulted into the distance and away. She stood in its open magnificence, its blanched earth under the blue-white sky of God. Everything in the distance; she would play unseen. She left her giggles behind her as she took off running. The ground flattened like an ancient seabed and she took her little body over it. She forgot her feet as she chased her own arms down. The surrounding landscape stayed static and true as she fed her hunger for abandonment. Her heels caught stone and a sudden unevenness which slowed her, her laughs lower and her focus redirected. The tree line ahead was coming up fast. Time to look and see.

Who is Rebecca?
Rebecca Gransden is an author from the south coast of the United Kingdom. After many years writing short stories for her own amusement she finally got around to writing her first full length novel, anemogram. Her writing focuses on fringe voices, and the natural world has a great influence over her output. Having lived by the sea all her life, she is drawn to the edges of things. She actively supports indie and self-published authors and is encouraged by the energy of this scene. Currently sitting on several projects, she hopes to have more writing available soon.

Connect with the Author via her blog, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Awaken to the Magic by Nada Adel Sobhi - Poem #Takhayyal

The moon is full
My spell complete
Awaken on the morrow
And taste defeat

I walk my head held high
My soul unencumbered.
My magic is done,
Whilst you've slumbered

Without a care in the world
I walk forward, no looking back
The sun will rise, you will awaken
To realise, your life is no longer on track

You thought you could break this witch,
No darling, not I!
Sleep softly, sleep tight tonight,
From tomorrow, life will pass you by.

The moon is full
My spell complete
Awaken on the morrow
And taste defeat

Written for Writing Prompt no. 46 in the Takhayyal writing series.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Emerald Key - Excerpt

EMERALD KEY BOOK COVERThe Emerald Key by Mark Frederickson & Melora Pineda

Penny and Laci are headed for a mundane summer vacation until a mysterious journal unlocks a portal to another world and they find themselves face to face with a baby dragon. In an attempt to send their new acquisition back to its home, the girls, along with two neighborhood friends, get sucked through to a mythical world. In this land, they must battle foes seen and unseen, pushing them to both their physical and mental limits. If they fail to stop the powers they’ve unleashed, it could not only destroy this strange world, but also annihilate their own.

Excerpt from The Emerald Key


Shooting flames and screeching at a pitch higher than should be possible, the Hellblaze Wyverns came in for the kill. With talons outstretched at the end of its muscular legs, one of them aimed for Hallvard and Laci. The pressure of the down draft from its massive wings bore upon them. Hallvard pulled Laci to his chest and lunged into the tall grass, rolling away from the beast. The Wyvern dove and grabbed at them, but was unable to secure a grip. One talon, however, made contact with Laci’s leg, ripping a gash into her thigh, twelve inches long and half an inch wide. It felt like her leg had caught fire, and she screamed accordingly. Hallvard threw his jerkin over them, in an attempt to make them look like a mound of dirt in the tall grass.
The other Wyvern shrieked a victory cry as it impaled its prey and lifted it off the ground.
Penny, who labored to keep up with their guide, stopped and looked in horror, trying to identify who became the Wyvern’s victim. In the darkness, she couldn’t make out the figure as it sailed away in the sky and landed on the other side of the hilltop. She turned around to count her friends, but the man yanked her arm again, jerking her head forward


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Praise for The Emerald Key

“In The Emerald Key, authors Mark Frederickson and Melora Pineda take readers on a fast-paced journey sure to enthrall not only middle-grade readers but their parents, as well. Laci and Penny will appeal to anyone looking for strong, resourceful female characters and the side characters are well-developed and hilarious, too (my favorite might be Buzz!).”
- Author Julie Gardner

“If you like fantasy and want adventure, this book is for you! It is entertaining for adults as well as middle-grade students…Just when you think there's nothing new anyone could offer in a fantasy, these two authors prove you wrong. They have created a very believable new world fraught with danger and excitement at every turn. I couldn't put it down.”
- Dani B

amazon“I love the vivid characters and the way you can picture all the action…I would recommend this book for any age and it is a book that grandparents can buy for their grand kids and know that it is an exciting story and a safe read.”
- Amazon Customer

barnes and noble“A real page turner, loved it. This book is funny and an adventure story for both young and old readers. I'm looking forward to the next book!”

Mark Frederickson

Mark was born and raised in Southern California. He graduated UC Santa Barbara with a degree in film and has worked in the film industry for years. He has written several screenplays and had a show optioned by MTV. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife Rebecca and his daughter Sara. This is his first novel, and hopefully not his last.

Melora Pineda

After Melora graduated from the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, she worked in the television industry for several years before becoming a library volunteer at her daughters’ school. Her passion for both reading and entertainment inspired her to write. This is her first novel. She currently lives in the Los Angeles area with her husband, daughter, and a pet bunny and a fish. Oh…never mind, the fish died.


$25 Blog Tour giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 10/30/16

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.