The Hardened Hearts anthology published by Unnerving
is a collection of 17 short stories of heartache, heart-breaks, and as the
title suggests, hearts that have turned to stone or worse.

The collection encompasses some authors I’ve read in previous
anthologies and others that are new to me but whose works I will definitely
look forward to in the future.
I have to note in advance that this is an 18+ only anthology
owing to some of the content whether in terms of speech, adult scenes or
Hardened Hearts opens with “40 Ways to Kill Your
Monster Lover” by Gwendolyn Kiste,
which I don’t recommend you begin the anthology with as I found it boring. Nearly
half way through I started skipping parts and barely made it to the end. I recommend
moving on to the other gems in the anthology.
"It Breaks My Heart to Watch You Rot" by Somer Canon is a beautiful but
very sad and painful piece. I loved Canon's writing style with lots of showing
and emotions. The characters don't have names but it's a must-read.
I've read short stories for Calvin Demmer before and I've
enjoyed his writing. "What Is Love?" isn't an exception. Mythology-based with a creepy
kind of love, this story grabs you from start to finish. It's a little bloody
but very well written.
Don't trust your mother's heirlooms, a lesson one character
learns the hard way in "Heirloom" by
Theresa Braun. The longest story in the collection, the paranormal piece is
exciting and definitely a fresh idea. The ending was a little confusing for me
but I enjoyed the ride. I liked being part of the story by connecting events
and characters as the story progressed.
"Rachel took
her seat. As she glimpsed the antique mirror, the glass appeared to tremble. It
wasn't the first time her mind had played tricks on her under duress, so she
dismissed it." – Big mistake - #justsaying
Speaking in a previous
interview with Nadaness In Motion, Braun explained that "Heirloom" is
"about a therapist who inherits a mirror that has the power to send her
into the past against her will. Her whole world gets turned upside down."
"The Recluse" by John Boden is a very short,
creatively-written interesting piece. Four stars to this broken heart.
There are several paranormal stories in Hardened Hearts, including
"Dog Tired" by
Eddie Generous. The story is full of suspense and Generous feeds the reader
bits of background info throughout.
"Too much of a good thing
wears and soon that good thing can't compete with a bad thing."
"The Pink Balloon" by Tom Deady
is a five-star, absolutely heart-wrenching
read. Read with care, because you'll most likely be crying by the end. This piece
is followed by another painful read called "It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want
to" by J.L. Knight. The characters don't have names, which only gives the
story a kind of general feel.
"Consumed" by Madhvi Ramani
is a sad but different kind of story. I saw a heart actually turn to stone
here. Matches the anthology's theme perfectly.
This is followed by Scott PaulHallam's "Burning
Samantha", which although moves slowly at first, the reader
can't help but feel that something "really bad" is going to happen. I
might have gone a little overboard as I had a feeling it would be something
like the movie Carrie, but I'm glad it wasn't. Still, it's a sad and strong
piece and I liked – and disliked but in a good way - how Hallam kept playing
with my nerves.
"When I got up this morning, murdering Alex Stanchon was not on my
To-Do list." This
is how the "Class of 2000" story
by Robert Dean begins. I'll leave you
to go from here *grins*
"Learning to Love" by Jennifer Williams is a deep piece
with a stunning imagery and a touch of the paranormal. Highly recommended. "My love leaves marks; it is
like the rough blade of a knife in need of sharpening."
"Brothers" by Leo X. Robertson came as a
surprise to me because I've read for Robertson before and it was exciting. This
one didn't appeal to me. It was long; there was a lot of over-the-top cursing
and I found the character relationships confusing.
"Porcelain Skin" by Laura Blackwell is a very picturesque
and fresh story. Interesting too and highly recommended.
WOW is the first word that came to mind when I finished reading "The Heart of the Orchard" by Erin Sweet Al Mehairi. An excellent dark story, it
is definitely one of the best pieces in the collection. In fact I'd recommend you
start with it. It's great with the theme and keeps the reader on edge, although
you'll also be trying to tell the main character "careful" and
"I don't like this" throughout the piece. 5
"What more did she have to
"Meeting the Parents" by Sarah L. Johnson is a paranormal,
interesting but strange story. I think it might fall under the weird or strange
fiction sub-genre.
"Matchmaker" by Meg Elison is the last piece in
the collection with lots of mathematical jargon. A 500% geeky story with a good
and possibly, dare I say it, "happy" ending; although I can't be sure
because it was written in code!
Overall Hardened Hearts is an interesting
assortment of great stories with broken hearts and lots of aches. Overall rating:
4 stars.
Note: I received a free
copy of Hardened Hearts in exchange for an honest review.