Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Aria Glazki Interview - Part II

This is the second part of my interview with Poet and to-be novelist Aria T. Glazki. For the first part of this interview, click here. For my five-star review of her poetry collection Life Under Examination, click here.

Q: So, you’ve published a poetry collection and you’re working on some novels. Do you see yourself publishing a short story collection in the future?
I’ve played with the idea of releasing a flash fiction collection, which would include some edited pieces from Flash! Friday contests and some fresh ones, but nothing is certain – especially since the Flash! Friday stories are all available on my blog.  I do have a brand new short story published in the Scripting Change anthology, Seeing Past Sickness, out November 4th.

Q: When writing a novel, do you have a main theme in mind or do you write and then start highlighting the themes and dissecting the book?
I focus on the characters and write their story.  Themes will come out because real people have pasts and personalities, and if you put them in a situation with other real people, issues will surface and need to be addressed.

Q: How do you go about when it comes to negative critiques?
Let’s be honest, no one likes negative critiques, and I have received plenty of them along the way. I allow myself to feel upset, and I put the critique aside for a few hours until the emotional response has passed. Then, I look at the pieces of the critique and see what if anything is constructive and can lead to improvements.

Q: What genres would you like to experiment with in the future?
Literary fiction is definitely on my list, possibly also mystery or something dystopian, though to be honest, I’m quite happy writing romance novels.

Q: What are you currently reading? And what is your favourite genre in general?
Well, I read a lot of romance, unsurprisingly, but I will try anything with a solid voice and engaging story built around compelling characters, regardless of genre. (I will usually stay away from horror, though, unless it’s by Edgar Allan Poe.)  Currently, I’m revisiting some of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Darkhunter novels.

Q: What do you think of self-help books on writing books or novels and publishing them? (Are they helpful or are most of them just a hoax? Would you recommend any?)
Honestly, I haven’t used them except when required to read excerpts in creative writing seminars in school.  At the same time, I know many people can and do benefit immensely from well-written books, which explain some element of writing or plotting a story in a way that resonates with that person and drastically improves their work.  Some I’ve heard enthusiastically recommended are the 90-Day Novel (& 90-Day Rewrite) and Bird By Bird

Q: If you can have any super-power, what would it be?
Being able to function on only an hour or two of sleep a night – does that count? It would certain be useful in those times when I’m on a roll with a scene but much too exhausted to keep writing!

Q: So NaNoWriMo is upon us, and I believe you took part in it in 2012. Can you tell us about your experience with it? How has it helped you with your writing?
Yes, I wrote my first full novel as a result of NaNo 2012, so it has certainly helped, I think partially because it allowed me to give myself permission to focus on and prioritize my writing.  I wrote a little over 50K in November, and then another 25K through December and January combined, so you can see how the focus of NaNo really increases (at least my own) productivity. 

Q: What is your favourite food? (Anything made especially by your mum or related to your place of birth?)
I love so many foods, I couldn’t possibly choose a favorite – though of course just about anything made by my mom tops the list! To this day, hers is the best borscht I’ve ever had.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Thank you, Nada, for hosting me with this interview! Otherwise, I think we’ve pretty much covered it all haha.

Check out Aria's 1000-Follower Giveaway here.

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