Friday, June 26, 2015

Untimely: A Time-Travel Romance Guest Post & Giveaway

Untimely by J & L Wells
(An Untimely Romance #1)
Publication date: January 4th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Time-Travel


Heather Richardson is a seventeen-year-old British girl whose life quickly becomes an emotional roller coaster when she meets Ruben Brown, a twenty-year-old man who works for her father at Freesdon Manor. As much as Heather wants to love Ruben, the cracks in their relationship begin to show as her eighteenth birthday draws nigh. In a surprising turn of events Heather is confronted by Frank, an intriguing man from a past that dates back to the nineteenth century. His untimely presence changes everything. When she’s thrown back in time by an unrelenting force, Heather realizes that her life is not what it appears to be. Her future has already been written, and it seems she cannot escape her fate, a fate determined by a love lost long ago. In her struggle to find herself, Heather must chose her destiny amidst a dangerous love triangle, vengeful lovers, and passions controlled by the hands of time.

Untimely is book 1 in a new romance series that you are going to love!

“An Untimely Romance is a beautiful breakout novel where love is found in the hidden corners of time. A must read for fans of time travel romance!” ~ The Kindle Book Review

Add Untimely to your Goodreads to-read list:

Two Authors, One Book: How It Worked
Guest post by: Laura & Judy Wells

Being mother and daughter we’re close anyway, we spend a lot of time together and chat a lot. We tend to buy covers on a whim, and get a story later on.

Untimely was the only cover we had custom made from scratch, the model is my cousin, Heather, and so we named the main character after her. This made Untimely a more personal novel, like we owed it to my cousin to make it as good as we possibly could.

Laura- I tend to get the ideas for the stories, and then we discuss it together, and our idea’s fly about, there are many arguments… I mean discussions along the way, but we get there in the end.

Untimely has been republished as we have altered Ruben, one of our main characters- we do read reviews, and they have helped us to improve our writing, Ruben isn’t bad… but complex, but book two gives all the reasons as to why he is as he is….
We haven’t got a lot of time to write, due to my 15month old, who thinks my laptop is his personal chewing toy… we have a small window while he sleeps. Our novels take us around 3-5 months from start to finish, and we plan sequels around mid-way through. Untimely was going to be a three book series, but book two tied all the loose ends, and I guess there was nowhere else to go… so untimely finishes with untimely returns.

We’re a good team, and we love writing together.

Buy the book via Amazon and B&N.

About the Authors:
Laura Wells is a swimming teacher, with a love of books, animals and, of course, Jane Austen. Once a national swimmer, she now runs three swim schools of her own. She enjoys spending her spare time with her family and two mad Shiba Inus. She lives in Staffordshire, England.

Judy Wells works at a school; in her spare time she enjoys writing poetry and novels, and spending time with her animals. She also lives in Staffordshire, England.

Laura and Judy are a mother and daughter duo; with Judy’s love of poetry and writing and Laura’s ideas, they work extremely well together. Time-travel and historical romance novels are their passion, and they hope that after you have read their books, you will feel the same.

Connect with the authors via their Website, Facebook Page, and Twitter.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Takhayyal #writing prompt 14 - Gothic

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, Artists, Poets, Writers, Authors, Dreamers, Friends and Family; Welcome EVERYONE to Nadaness In Motion's bi-weekly picture-prompt writing challenge Takhayyal.

Hope you like this week’s prompt.

Haunting Gothic staircase. Artist unknown. Picture found via Pinterest.

General guidelines:

·        No nudity, violence, and/or abuse.

·        Leave the link to your post in comments below OR post your piece as REPLY to this post

·        Your piece MUST be inspired in some way or other by the above picture

·        Multiple entries allowed

·        It is not required but it is a kind and encouraging gesture to comment on others pieces.

·        Feel free to add your Twitter handle (@....) so I can tag you in my tweets.

Note: If you would like to have your work featured in Takhayyal, please see the rules and contact email here.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Huntress: The Beginnings - Book Review

The Huntress: The Beginnings by Nadja Losbohm is the first instalment in The Huntress series. Originally published in German, the novella (around 150 pages) is about Ada, whose life is turned around when she is told that she is destined to become a Huntress.

Ada Pearce is an overweight ordinary woman, who hates sports. Helping a neighbour, she enters St. Mary's Church and is told that she has to leave her life and everything behind her to become a Huntress.

There, her trainer and only companion is Father Michael, whom we learn does not age like normal people and has his life tied to being inside the church.

Narrated from Ada's first person perspective, the novella opens with Ada telling the reader that she is pregnant and is going to meet with a reporter (Dan Meyers) to tell the world her story and get them to realise that there are monsters on the streets that they need to be careful of. Although Father Michael originally opposes the idea, he understands Ada's need to keep people safe.

"So, when I can't make my rounds, who else is there to protect all those people from what's lurking in the dark?"

A Hunter or Huntress comes along once every fifty years. With Ada's pregnancy, there will be several months of Huntress-free streets, making it a monster-playground.

The prologue is after Ada discovers her role as a Huntress. As the novella moves forward, she tells the reader how that happens.
"My name is Ada Pearce, I'm twenty-four years old and I'm a vampire and monster hunter."

The Huntress: The Beginnings is based on flashbacks as Ada tells the reporter her story. Some flashbacks are stories told to the reader and not the reporter owing to their sensitivity or simply because they are too private to be shared. Because of the flashbacks, there isn't a fixed pace for the novel.

Although the narration is from Ada's perspective, we get glimpses into Father Michael's life – after he learns to trust her – and how he has struggled over the years to become the man he is today.

We also see Ada progress from one who curses all the time to someone who begins to respect the institution she is in and the man in charge of it. At several points at the beginning of the novella, Father Michael warns her that if she continues to curse, he will throw her out. Her interests and concerns also change and she learns acceptance (among other things).

She also learns to see past Father Michael's rough exterior and the walls he has put around himself over the years.
Ada is fairly sarcastic, adding comic relief from time to time. Moreover, her interactions and situations with Father Michael, a man who has only trained Hunters for centuries, are quite funny.

"The Father had no idea about matters of a female nature."

I particularly enjoyed the flashbacks, which show Father Michael's 'human' side and how time affects people who live in closed places (kind of like being with a grandparent).

"Everything about his face seemed to be crying out with pain. His black eyes shone wet as horrible images of events in his past raged behind the veil of tears."

The Huntress is also a romance novella. From the beginning, we are told who the father of Ada's baby is, which should not come as a shock to readers since the couple lives together.

"Every time you go out there in the dark, I die anew," he whispered. "I die with fear. I die with worry. I feel helpless every time I stay behind. I can't help you, can't protect you when you need it."

I like the use of fairy-tales and other literary references in the novella. Father Michael tells Ada that she resembles Snow White and that he finds the seven dwarfs to be scary.
Although, I haven't read the original Grimm Fairy Tales, there are several references in The Huntress, which have encouraged me to consider reading the originals.

"Where do you think the authors of such books…got their ideas from? There's always a grain of truth in every legend." Ada tells the reporter in their first meeting.

The novella is not devoid of monster-hunting. Although, apart from vampires, we do not get the names of monsters, we are given description details of each. Personally, I wished there were more details in the fighting.

"Why weren't there any good-looking, nice-smelling monsters? I suddenly found myself wondering."

The novella falls under the young adult genre and has no adult content, with the exception of minor insinuations.

The first instalment in the series, The Huntress: The Beginnings is an enjoyable read. It sets the ground for the next three books as well as Ada's and Father Michael's world.

Should the following instalments be translated into English I look forward to reading them. In the meantime, I'm content with Ada, her journey and her transformation.

Note: I got free copy of The Huntress: The Beginnings from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase The Huntress: The Beginnings in English, or in German

Check out more of Nadja Losbohm's works in translation via Inkitt.

UPDATE: Check out Nadaness In Motion's exclusive author interview with Nadja Losbohm here.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bubbles: Big Stink in Frog Pond - Children's Review

Bubbles: Big Stink in Frog Pond
By: Ben Woodard & Illustrator: Fran Riddell
Publication Date: 15 June, 2015
Publisher: Miller-Martin Press | Pages: 32 | Recommended Ages: 3 to 7

Bubbles: Big Stink in Frog Pond by Ben Woodward and illustrated by Fran Riddell is a lovely children's story about differences, preferences and most importantly friendship and acceptance.
Bubbles is a frog who has a bubbling – farting – problem and is making the frog pond stink. His friends tell him to leave. After trying to change his diet, Bubbles can't stop and ends up leaving Frog Pond.
But the frogs are attacked by human children and it is Bubbles' job to save the day with his 'bubbling'.
The story is sweet and funny and though the frogs are sometimes drawn a bit creepy, some other pictures are really funny.
Despite his problem, Bubbles goes to save his friends, who in turn debate whether he should stay or leave again afterwards.
I really enjoyed the story and I like how the author allowed both Bubbles and the other frogs – characters – develop.
This book is recommended to children and parents encouraging their kids to read as it deals with friendship and accepting others despite their differences.

Note: I received a free copy of Bubbles: Big Stink in Frog Pond in exchange for an honest review and as part of a Book Review Blitz with Mother and Daughter Book Reviews.

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Designed blog tour: Author Q&A + giveaways

The Designed by Kate Tailor
(The Designed Series #1)
Publication date: 26 January, 2015
Genres: New Adult, Science Fiction

What if the next new drug was you? Raleigh’s body produces a drug that could define the future of medicine if the dangerous world surrounding it doesn’t kill her first.
Eighteen-year old Raleigh Groves can sense disease in others and is suffering from her own unexplained illness as well. After years and dozens of doctor visits, she has given up hope of ever finding a cure, let alone a diagnosis. Then she meets a man who explains that her talent and curse are linked. Her body produces a drug, Lucidin, which allows her to sense others. She’s rare, and the drug she makes is coveted.

Rho has spent the last few years on the run. The Lucidin that is racing through his system makes him a target. Surrounded by addicts and dealers on one side and scientists and doctors on the other, he has to rely on his wits and his team to stay one step ahead. So far he has stayed afloat, but some of his brothers haven’t been as lucky.

As Rho and Raleigh collide they must face the perilous world of Lucidin together. Nothing is black-and-white and Raleigh must decide where her alliances lie. Sometimes the hardest heart to sense is your own.

Questions by Nadaness In Motion as part of the blog tour for The Designed. Enjoy!
About Kate Tailor:

1.      What are you favourite and least favourite reading genres?
Kate Tailor: My favorite is probably Science Fiction. I really don’t like to read westerns.

2.      What countries are on your list of places to visit? (Would Egypt be among them/Can I interest you in Egypt?
KT: I love to travel. Right now I think I would be most interested in visiting China. I know quite a few people who grew up there and it sounds like a fascinating place. I’ve been able to visit Europe quite a bit and would love to explore other continents. I think Egypt would be fun, I took a course on their ancient history in College and would love to see some of the history up close.

3.      How many languages do you speak and what are they?
KT: Language has never been one of my strengths. I hail from a long line of linguists and regrettably am the dunce in the group. English is my first and really only language, although I do know a bit of Spanish.

4.      How do you deal with writers block?
KT: I work on two different books at once. When I’m stuck at one I move to the other. I also belong to a writer’s group and they are inspiring.

5.      Apart from science fiction, what other genre would you be interested in experimenting with?
KT: I would really like to write a comical non-fiction account of my life someday. When I’ve lived a little bit more life.

About The Designed

6.      How did the idea of The Designed come to you?
KT: I was in pharmacy school and we were learning how some of our medications used to be taken from animals (and some still are). It got me to wondering what would happen if a vital drug only could be made in a human model and not synthesized. Would we design people to specifically make it? From there I thought up a cool drug and put together the book.

7.      How many parts are you planning for the series?
KT: It is going to be a four book series.

8.      Have you decided what the title for second installment will be? Could you give us a sneak peak on the possible titles you’ve had in mind for both The Designed and book 2?
KT: I’m currently writing the second book and the title is The Synthetics and as the name implies it lands the characters from the first book into the precarious world of synthetic Lucid.

9.      How many drafts did you have to go through before the final version of The Designed came out?
KT: Four drafts. The first two were focused on the plot and the second two on editing and flow.

10. Apart from the second book in the series, do you have any other works in progress?
KT: Yes. I’m dabbling with writing a book about people who are haunted by their memories.

On Publishing and Writing

11. Tell us about your experience with publishing? Have you had to make sacrifices before getting your book out?
KT: Publishing has been a learning process. I started by attempting to go the traditional route and wrote to a few literary agents. Ultimately, I struggled to find any that felt like a good fit, my book is not really like any others. One of my writer friends asked if I had considered indie publishing, and I thought I would give it a shot. Now the challenge is getting the book into people’s hands.

12. Have you taken part in NaNoWriMo? Has it helped your writing? Will you be taking part in the upcoming season? (NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month)
KT: Not officially, but I did the challenge a few years ago when a cousin did it. I tend to write fast, and liked the idea. It was great at getting me to sit down and write, but at the same time sometimes my work felt forced. Now I try to write all year long, and tend to produce a lot when the muse hits me.

13. Do you take part in any online writing challenges?
KT: Not yet, but I hope to soon. They seem like a great way to meet others in the writing community.

14. How much research did you have do/go through in order to write The Designed? (Was there a lot of medical information you had to go through, meet with people…etc?
KT: I have an undergraduate degree in molecular biology and genetics. I’m a pharmacist and have my doctorate in that. So the research wasn’t really something I had to do. The book was actually a little bit too technical. The challenge was trying to make it more understandable to a wider audience. My husband, a non-scientist, had to spend a lot of time watering it down with me. I think the end product has enough to make me excited about the science that remains, without being daunting to someone who doesn’t have a medical background.


As part of this blog tour via Xpresso Book Tours and as courtesy of the author, I'm hosting an international giveaway for ONE ebook copy (PDF format) of The Designed. The winner will receive their prize after 17 July.

How to win? Like Nadaness In Motion on Facebook by using the Rafflecopter widget below OR share this post and paste the link you share it in the comments below along with your contact details.
This giveaway ends on 10 July.

There is also another international blitz-wide giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card.

Purchase via Amazon & Barnes and Noble

About the Author:
Kate Tailor lives in Boulder, Colorado. She has a background in molecular biology and pharmacology. Writing has been a passion of hers since she was young.

Author links: