Having reviewed
Stormy Smith's two books Bound by Duty and Bound by Spells, I figured
it was time to have a chit-chat to get to know Stormy better, and to talk about
some writing and bookish fun
Q: Tell us something special
or different or weird about yourself
Stormy Smith: Something weird: I have double-jointed
elbows and hyper-flexible shoulder joints. The elbows makes it really
complicated to do certain exercises (like push-ups), and my shoulders make a
variety of yoga poses much easier.
Q: What are your favourite
classical books and modern ones?
SS: Classic – Pride and Prejudice by
Jane Austen
Modern – Left Drowning by Jessica
Park (contemporary) and The Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning (Fantasy)
Q: Apart from YA, what is your
favourite reading genre?
SS: I love all things fantasy/paranormal!
Q: Do you speak any other
SS: I took French for six years and there
was a time when I was fluent. Now, I can pick up on it but can’t really speak
it anymore.
Q: What is your favourite
SS: Ever? That is hard…I really love food…I
would have to say shrimp pasta!
Q: What countries would you
like to visit/are on your to-travel-to list?
SS: I would really like to do the UK,
Ireland and Scotland tour and after that, visit Australia.
Q: If you could experiment
with a new genre, outside of your favourites, what would it be?
SS: I’m really curious about Steampunk. I
think I would enjoy it, but I’ve never tried it out.
Moving on
to writing and her books
Q: Before the Bound series,
did you publish any other works?
SS: I published a poem in middle school and
wrote for a variety of newspapers in college, but I had not published any other
Q: How many parts are you
planning for the series?
SS: It’s funny you ask, because a lot of
people have been lately. Originally, I always planned for the series to be
three books, but I am not a heavy outliner; outlining just doesn’t work well
for me. So, often my writing is a journey that I can’t anticipate and Bound
by Prophecy (book three) is very much that way. I know where I’m heading
with the story but we are getting there in a way I hadn’t directly anticipated.
I see a strong possibility the series goes past three books. They may not all
be full-length, but I have a lot of great secondary characters that could have
their own side stories.
Q: Do you have anything works
in progress? Or plans after Bound?
SS: I can only write one story at a time,
given I have a full time job and I am in graduate school, so my focus in on the
Bound series right now. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I finish it! I
guess that will depend on how many more books there are waiting to be written. J
Q: What is the best writing
advice you could give to new and upcoming writers?
SS: Don’t think about anything except writing the book until it's
written. Don’t worry about going traditional or self-publishing, don’t worry
about marketing or building your brand and don’t worry about what anyone will
think. Write the story you want to read and don’t stop until it's done.

SS: That very much depends on the book. Bound
by Duty took four drafts plus professional editing. Bound by Spells
took two plus professional editing. I would guess Bound by Prophecy will
be three.
Q: Beta readers, how many do
you have before you think your book is ready? And are they for the final draft
or do they come in a bit before that?
SS: I have a critique partner that reads
the rough stuff and helps me mold and shape the story. My betas don’t come in
until the second to last draft. I look for betas to help me tweak, to find
missing words and small issues before I go to my professional editor. I only
use four betas, any more than that becomes overwhelming.
Q: How do you incorporate
writing into your everyday life? Do you have a part-time or full-time job?
What's your day like?
SS: It depends on how you think about it. I
don’t write my story every day, I don’t have time, but I think about it every
day. I talk about it in my marketing efforts every day. I communicate with
bloggers and fans, I develop my own graphics, organize blog tours, work with a
street team, work with my writing group…all of that happens daily. But I really
only have time to write on the weekends and I generally get 6000 – 8000 words
each weekend. I do have a full time job and I’m in graduate school, so there
are many demands on my time. I’m also married and try to have a tiny bit of a
social life.
Q: Is there anything else
you'd like to add for Nadaness In Motion? J
SS: Just a heartfelt thank you for everything you do. Bloggers are a
self-published author’s lifeline and your passion for our stories finds its way
to new readers, and many times, loyal fans. I can’t thank you enough for your
assistance in helping me achieve my dreams.
Check my reviews of Stormy's novels: Bound by Duty and Bound by Spells.
Get in touch with Stormy Smith via Twitter and Facebook
Get in touch with Stormy Smith via Twitter and Facebook
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