Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Daughters of Maine – Cover Reveal

Book: The Daughters of Maine
Author: Tish Thawer
(Witches of BlackBrook #2)
Publication date: 7 March, 2017
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance

"With vivid scenes and likable characters, Thawer's series is a definite winner!  Come for the adventure - and stay for the awesome witchery." ~ #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, PC CAST

Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound.

After being reunited in the present day, three sister witches are forced to separate once more in an effort to save their newly formed coven and themselves.

Foes from their past now threaten their future, and a trip that spans centuries is their only hope of survival. Chasing their enemy back through time seems like the right choice, but will walking in the footsteps of their previous lives provide the answers they seek?

Only time will tell.

A Witches of BlackBrook novel

Add the book on Goodreads.

Pre-order The Daughters of Maine via Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, iBooks, Kobo.

Check out Nadaness In Motion's five-star book review of the first book The Witches of BlackBrook.

It is one of my top viewed reviews on the blog with over 1,300 page views. The book also made it to my Best Books of 2015, which can be found here.

Review snippets:
Trin may be the eldest sister, but she's not the wisest. And I really liked that. "Trin was always thrown off when another witch was around. She desperately wanted everyone they'd stumbled upon to be Kara, that she'd lost perspective over the years."

The overall setting and descriptions throughout the novel are vivid. I also loved the use of Tarot readings: "Trin acknowledged the Magician card as her past, no surprises there. But the present and future cards had her undivided attention.
The Seven of Swords indicated deceit and deception surrounding her present, while the reversed Tower forewarned her of major changes, where she could no longer count on those close to her."

Purchase book 1 via Amazon, B&N, Smashwords, iBooks, Kobo

About the Author:
Award Winning Author, Tish Thawer, writes paranormal romances for all ages. From her first paranormal cartoon, Isis, to the Twilight phenomenon, myth, magic, and superpowers have always held a special place in her heart.

Tish is known for her detailed world-building and magic-laced stories. Her work has been compared to Nora Roberts, Sam Cheever, and Charlaine Harris. She has received a RONE Award nomination (Reward of Novel Excellence), as well as nominations for Best Cover, Reader’s Choice, and Author of the Year (Fantasy, Dystopian, Mystery).

Tish has worked as a computer consultant, photographer, and graphic designer, and is a columnist for Gliterary Girl media and has bylines in RT Magazine and Literary Lunes Magazine. She resides in Arizona with her husband and three wonderful children and is represented by Gandolfo, Helin, and Fountain Literary Management.

A common FAQ: "How do you pronounce your last name?"
Answer: Think "Bower" or "Thow-er". It's Persian!

Connect with the author via her Website, Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Not My Life by Bob Kat - Book Review

Book: Not My Life
(Time Shifters book 5)
Author: Bob Kat
Publication Date: 18 October 2016
Genres: Young Adult, Time Travel, Mystery (and a little romance)

Not My Life by Kathy Clark aka Bob Kat, is the fifth instalment in the Time Shifters young adult mystery series, but can be read as a standalone.

The story begins with four teens, the protagonists of the series: Austin, Kelly, Scott and Zoey, coming back from a trip to the sixties. We are told that Scott has developed a phone application that enables the four of them to go back in time to save people. However, instead of landing in their time zone, they arrive in the right place but the wrong time, that is 1977.

Despite being frustrated with the app malfunction, they soon discover that their homeless, necklace-maker friend Dan was a prominent doctor in his early life, but had been convicted of murdering his wife and child and sent to prison.

When they return to their timeline, they seek to find out if Dan had in fact murdered his family and perhaps right the wrong that was done. They concoct a plan to go back in time to before the crime was committed and find out the truth.

"I'm out of prison, but I'll never really be free."

The characters in Not My Life are relatable and down to earth; most of them are kind and quite mature for their age, with the exception of Zoey, whom I felt was selfish and haughty. Still, she was the only voice of reason – despite the other teens' dissatisfaction and mine – always looking at the other possibility that Dan might have actually committed murder. I liked the development of Zoey's character in the novel.

I assume there was development for the other characters in the previous instalments. Still, we see some minor development for Kelly – who is quite confident and a quick-learner at whatever she does.

"This is the only thing that exists that was in my possession at the time. Take it. You might need it to prove your story to the younger me. Back then I was all caught up in academia. If it couldn't be proven scientifically, didn't exist."

I also liked Dan's character, both old and young. I liked how he helped the four teens with their plan, even though he didn't truly believe time travel was possible.

Not My Life is fit for all ages – including middle grade, I believe – and contains perhaps one kiss and a few emotions, which is something I liked.

While there is a lot of telling and less showing, the novel isn't devoid of humour and a little imagery.
"But, you think he likes me?"
"For some unknown reason, he seems to."

The ending of Bob Kat's Not My Life made all the difference. I loved it! It was beautiful, touching and heartfelt.

Overall rating: 4.5 stars

Also, check out the authors' guest post on Nadaness In Motion, about the Time Shifters' series, titled "Pack Your Bags for the Trip of Your Dreams".

About the Authors:

Long ago and far away (in Alvin, Texas) Kathy Clark began her career writing and performing plays for the neighborhood kids.  She charged a nickel, but the attendees got a free bottle of ice cold Coke along with their entertainment.  Flash forward a few years and Kathy Clark still loves telling stories. 

She started writing solo for such publishers as Harlequin and Dell.  In 1993, she met and married her prince charming, and after his career as a business executive, he became her co-writer.   Together they have had fourteen books published, bringing her total to thirty-seven.  Their books are about real people caught up in unexpected and extraordinary circumstances, and just happen to fall in love in the process…just like Kathy and Bob did!

They write adult romance and romantic suspense under the pen name Kathy Clark and YA romance/time travel/mysteries under the pen name of Bob Kat. 

They currently live in Colorado Springs near their five sons. When they’re not plotting their next book on what they call their Authors’ Deck with a glass of wine, they love to travel to far-away places…always together.

NOT MY LIFE is #5 in the Time Shifters YA romance/time travel/mystery series.  The first four books have won numerous Readers’ Favorite and other awards. 

Our latest adult romantic suspense series, Austin Heroes had book #2 ALMOST FOREVER released in July and book #3 ANOTHER CHANCE to be released in November.  We are currently working on a new adult romance series called Breathless that is set in Cripple Creek, Colorado.

Connect with the Authors

Purchase NOT MY LIFE, and ANOTHER CHANCE on Amazon.
We love to hear from our readers and encourage everyone to leave reviews.  Add your name to our newsletter and receive updates on our books, household hints, recipes, and contests. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Takhayyal #writingprompt 54: Bastet

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, Artists, Poets, Writers, Authors, Dreamers, Friends and Family; Welcome EVERYONE to Nadaness In Motion's bi-weekly picture-prompt writing challenge Takhayyal.

Something a little different this time. 

Shall we?

Image found online. Author unknown.

Arabic for Imagine, Takhayyal is a challenge for writers of all ages and genres; a place to spark creativity and explore new genres.
Your post can be in English or Arabic, prose, poetry, short story, flash fiction; you name it and write it.

General rules:
·        No nudity, violence, and/or abuse.
·        Leave the link to your post in comments below OR post your piece as REPLY to this post
·        Your piece MUST be inspired in some way or other by the above picture
·        Multiple entries allowed
·        It is not required but it is a nice and encouraging gesture to comment on others' pieces.
·        Feel free to add your Twitter handle (@....) so I can tag you in my tweets!


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nelumbo Nucifera, a psychological thriller by Cristina Slough - Excerpt, Interview & Giveaway

Nelumbo Nucifera
by Cristina Slough
Publication date: 24 January, 2017
Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller

On the surface, Gaby Parker has it all; however, behind closed doors, is a woman who lives in constant fear of the man who was supposed to love her: her husband, Kyle. Beaten, desperate, and broken, Gaby realizes the only way to escape from her violent husband is to kill herself — on paper. Gaby is dead, and Riley Locklin is born, residing in the tranquil coastal town of Chesswick Bay Montauk where she hopes to start over and meets a man who shows her bruises aren’t kisses.

Meanwhile, back home, Kyle is doing everything in his power to prove Gaby isn’t dead.

But…police find her burnt-out car and remains?

Kyle isn’t buying it; he knows she’s still alive. He launches his own full investigation to find his wife — and he’ll stop at nothing to claim her back. A female Detective assigned to his wife’s case doesn’t like him very much after discovering a domestic violence report – scorned by the history of her mother’s domestic abuse, she’s determined to send Kyle down for his wife’s murder.

And then he finds her. Will Gaby finally take a stand?

Interview with Cristina Slough

Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Cristina Slough: When I was in primary school. At parents' evening, my teacher told my mum I would be wasting my life if I didn’t become an author. It made sense, I always loved reading and writing…

How long does it take you to write a book?
CS: It really depends. With my first, it was around three months. With my current title I started it with a first couple of chapters, and then took a six month break. But when I went back to it, I couldn’t stop and had 80,000 words completed in under three weeks. It was crazy. I would work into the night, go to bed, look after my three year old, go to my day job…and start all over again!

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
CS: I sit at my desk and just let the words come to me. I have to listen to music. It is a must. Music puts me in the zone.

Check out Cristina Slough's playlist for the book here.

How do books get published?
CS: I study publishing houses and agents and submit to the ones that I think my work would fit. I am currently published with two independent publishing houses.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
CS: Ideas come to me all the time. My mind, never, ever, shuts up. I carry a notebook around in my bag and jot down ideas as they come. For research, I google, I buy books to study a subject, and I talk to expert people. For Nelumbo Nucifera, I spoke to real women that had been in domestic abusive relationships. So, the information in the book is very raw, and very real. I also consulted an expert in the field of mental illness—a subject which is also highlighted in Nelumbo. I want my writing to really speak to people, so I want to bring them into the story by knowing my stuff!

                        Excerpt from Nelumbo Nucifera

When Kyle went to his car, the club was aglow with flashing blue and red lights. The wail of sirens assaulted his ears. Two ambulances were parked outside.

He caught a glimpse of a woman being carried out on a stretcher. Police had concealed the club with yellow tape. The last thing that he needed was to get pulled into this shit. To his relief, as the gate opened, he was able to get straight on the road. The timing couldn’t have been worse. Right now he needed Randy, but now he was embroiled with the night’s events. Kyle pulled out into the interstate. He pushed his foot down heavy on the accelerator; his pulse was beating hard in his chest. He tried to think back: Had there been any clues? He debated the pros and cons of going after her. If he found her, he knew that his rage would win and he wouldn’t be in control anymore. He imagined her, out there somewhere, laughing at him, thinking that she had gotten away with it. Meanwhile, he was under the microscope with the cops—especially with Detective Isla Bitch Morany. Even thinking about that woman made him want to punch something; he would love to wipe her smug know it all look off her face. But her badge protected her; it acted as a shield, because if she was working a normal job, there was no way she wouldn’t have had a fist or two to knock her back in line.

Kyle thought about the money he had parted with since this all began; he was satisfied that the bulk of his funds were off shore; Morany may have uncovered his dirty dealings, and they were enough to get him in hot water, but his reserves would be enough to save him, probably. He drove past a parade of billboards advertising the Love of God:

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

It felt as if that sign had been placed there especially for him. Things between him and Gaby had never been smooth, but he thought he had things in a structured order, and he was desperate to claw it back. He decided that he was going to do just as God had instructed: “Be wise as a serpent.”

Add the book on your Goodreads'to-read list.


As part of the blitz, there is a giveaway for $15 Amazon gift card + signed copy of Nelumbo Nucifera, open internationally. Ends 2 Feb.

Purchase via Amazon.

Link to The Katie Piper Foundation that Cristina is donating to: http://www.katiepiperfoundation.org.uk/

About the Author:

Cristina Slough
Novelist, movie addict, and animal lover, Cristina Slough is the author of: Nelumbo Nucifera and Till Death Us Do Part.
Cristina has always been a bookworm, rarely seen without a pen and paper in her hand, she loves delving into a literacy fictional world of her own. 
Although Cristina loves pink and fluffy, her writing isn’t. She loves to focus on raw human emotion and gritty story lines; she’s very fond of messing with her readers heads by weaving twists into her books.
Cristina is married to Adam, who runs a successful business; together they share their Bedfordshire home with their son, and several spoiled pets. As a family, they love to travel frequently, the United States being a firm favorite.

Connect with the Author via Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and her website. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Cornered by Nada Adel Sobhi - Poem

A flurry of voices,
A treble of feet,
A thousand choices,
No, just one: Defeat!

The wind howls,
The people pray.
The mighty general scowls;
There is no other way!

The end is near,
Yet on they pray.
Death is here,
Yet they still look to the day.

Bones and teeth clattering,
The cold sweeps through,
Walls of hypocrisy shattering,
To crumble and not rise anew.

Eyes open wide,
No way to turn,
Nowhere to hide,
Tonight the liars burn!

Run, Run, Run! But where to?
Looking here and there; cornered,
To the forest, to the river some go,
Backwards, forwards; nowhere to go.

The drums of war resound;
The general has come.
Then silence. Not a sound.
Death has come!

Photo credit: Unknown. Image found online. Not mine.

This poem was inspired by JJ Sherwood's Kings or Pawns novel, although I must note that I was a little more than half-way through the book (which is a must read!)

Check out the my five-star book review of the novel here.

Your comments and reviews for my poem are highly appreciated. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Cover Reveal + Giveaway for Inquisition by Jennifer Carole Lewis

Book: Inquisition
by Jennifer Carole Lewis
(The Lalassu, #3)
Publication date: 8th March, 2017
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance


Police detective Joe Cabrera used to have a pretty good life. Promising career, plenty of flirtations, and he never once needed to question the nature of his reality. All of that changed when he discovered the truth of the lalassu. Suddenly, he fell deep into a rabbit hole of paranormal powers, shadowy conspiracies and millennia-old secrets. Now, his old no-nonsense approach to his job just doesn’t work any longer. If he wants to stop his old enemy, André Dalhard, from hurting anyone else, Joe will need to find a more flexible option.

A master of disguise, Cali has assumed so many identities over the years that remembering who she was born to be is impossible. Abandoned on the streets as a child, she was rescued by André Dalhard. She’s served him loyally for many years, using her shape-shifting abilities to take on new personas in the blink of an eye, such as Boomerang, the master thief. To save Mr. Dalhard from prison, she becomes Colleen Avila, a meek and mild personal secretary.

Joe initially planned to use Colleen as a confidential informant, but wasn’t prepared for the intensity of his feelings for her. When he meets the arrogant and brash Boomerang and the determined and fearless Cali, he finds himself torn between the three women. For Cali, she knows she must inevitably either break Joe’s heart or turn against the man who saved her from a life of uncertainty and poverty.

As Joe and Cali work together, they discover an even greater threat to the lalassu, one that could send everyone tumbling down into a new rabbit hole. If their fears are realized, neither their friends nor their enemies will be able to escape.

Pre-order Inquisition via Amazon. 

You can also grab book 1, Revelations, for only 99¢ here

You can also check out my – Nadaness In Motion's – five-star book review of Revelations and Metamorphosis.

My review of Inquisition will come out sometime in February or March 2017.

As part of the cover reveal, there is a giveaway. 

About the Author:

Jennifer Carole Lewis is a full-time mom, a full-time administrator and a full-time writer, which means she is very much interested in speaking to anyone who comes up with any form of functional time-travel devices or practical cloning methods. Meanwhile, she spends her most of her time alternating between organizing and typing. 
She is a devoted comic book geek and Marvel movie enthusiast. She spends far too much of her precious free time watching TV, especially police procedural dramas. Her enthusiasm outstrips her talent in karaoke, cross-stitch and jigsaw puzzles. She is a voracious reader of a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction and always enjoys seeking out new suggestions.

Connect with Jennifer via her Website, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.