Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Tale of the Sand Unicorn - Poem

A traveller by night
In an arid silent desert
With nothing
But the sound of the howling wind

The sky is dark, almost starless
his thread of hope is fading,

Like his will.

He bows his head in hopelessness,
Only to raise his eyes…
The desert sand gathers,
Whirls and twirls in mid-air
A form appears,
A unicorn

A unicorn made of sand.
It neighs and in a flash
The sand falls to the ground
The creature materializes,
Becoming bright white

‘A Star’ is all the traveller can think of
“Never lose hope!
I will guide you!” it says.

It turns, galloping on the sand,
Leading the way
In the dark night

bewildered, the hope-awakened traveller follows
Reaching an oasis

The white mythical creature neighs,
Gallops towards the sky,
Spreads its huge wings
It stands in mid-air
Shining as the biggest in the night.

And so lives the Tale of the Sand Unicorn

This poem is a very old piece that I was able to dig up. It was originally written sometime in June 2009, but was re-edited 22 April 2017.

Wish you all a week filled with Hope and Fantasy (and Unicorns)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Takhayyal Writing Prompt 60: The Great Dragon

For the 60th prompt in the Takhayyal/Imagine writing prompt series, I figured, it's time to get in touch with one's inner self and of course bring in a few dragons.

What say you?

Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen, Artists, Poets, Writers, Authors, Dreamers, Friends and Family; Welcome EVERYONE to Nadaness In Motion's picture-prompt writing challenge Takhayyal.

Are you up to this challenge? 

Artwork by Ben G. - or Artist Unknown.

Arabic for Imagine, Takhayyal is a challenge for writers of all ages and genres; a place to spark creativity and explore new genres.
Your post can be in English or Arabic, prose, poetry, short story, flash fiction; you name it and write it.

General rules:
·        No nudity, violence, and/or abuse.
·        Leave the link to your post in comments below OR post your piece as REPLY to this post
·        Your piece MUST be inspired in some way or other by the above picture
·        Multiple entries allowed
·        It is not required but it is a nice and encouraging gesture to comment on others' pieces.
·        Feel free to add your Twitter handle (@....) so I can tag you in my tweets!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Chergui's Child by Jane Riddell - Book Review

Chergui's Child by Jane Riddell is a story about Olivia, a 30-something year-old woman, who is saddened by her aunt's passing but surprised to know that her daughter, from a pregnancy a few years back, is in fact alive.

"Through the glass panel, diminished as if a magician had shrunk her body, lay my aunt, her hair, nightdress, everything colourless, like the bleached hospital bedding."

Olivia's aunt leaves her a significant fortune on condition that she goes to search for her daughter.

Chergui's Child has a strong opening with a death of loved relative and a revelation from the early pages of chapter one.

I liked the contrasts in family relationships between Olivia and her brother, Martin, and Olivia and her father on one hand, and Olivia and her mother on the other. Both Olivia and Martin call their mother by her first name, Nora, and neither seem to have any deep emotions towards her.

"My inheritance would further fuel her anger, as if past disappointments weren't enough. [My father] would bear the brunt, of course – he always did. An urge overcame me to whisk him and Martin away from this room of restricted behaviours."

There are flashbacks from when Olivia was in love with her professor, Richie, whom we later know is the father of her child. However, these are narrated in a matter-of-fact sort of way, distancing the reader from the characters.

The book is said to span the London, France and Morocco.

I stopped reading at 50%, where the book had only moved in London and France, but the pace became too slow for me. By 50%, the reader still hasn't met the daughter.

I disliked Olivia and found her to be very selfish, particularly in the fact that she was the second woman to Richie, who was already married. While I did not finish the book to be able to highlight character development, I felt the first half was slow and disliked the main character.

There were many beautiful lines and images in the novel and I liked Riddell's overall writing style, but those were not enough to prompt me to continue reading Chergui's Child (which is long overdue).

(Note: I received a review copy of Chergui's Child from author Jane Riddell in exchange for an honest review).

Sunday, April 16, 2017

My Favourite Colour - Blog Post

The other day, I was asked what my favourite colour was.

I thought of the blue sea, the green grass, the pink of the unicorn logo for my blog. But every time I thought of a colour, my mind went to black, how it fit with all the other colours, how it blends and contrasts. It can go unnoticed or it can make stars sparkle in a black expanse of a sky.

The colour just kept coming back to me.

I love colours in general; I paint several shades on my nails; I've dyed my hair pink, blue and purple before; I can't take down notes with a single pen, there has to be at least two. I rarely wear all-black and when I do, I just a little of something else, a bright red or pink lipstick, green nail polish, a rose or labradorite necklace. Anything to break the black but still make it look good. Not a sad black.

I've written about black before, how it's a misunderstood colour. But the question lingered with me.

Yes blue and green are calming colours and I love mixing them with black, navy blue, beige or white. But I don't know. Black just stuck with me.

The background of my blog is black and I like it because it allows me to use any font colour I like – with minor exceptions.

It was a simple question. Colours say a lot about people and I wondered for a minute if I should say something else but I didn't.

I love all colours. All I want is to blend them right.

Friday, April 14, 2017

A Real Life Fairytale: Boxed Set by Jamie Brook Thompson

Cinderella: a REAL life fairytale

If a dream is a wish your heart makes then Cindee Ellis is in major trouble. There’s no way Henry Christensen will ever notice her under all those oil stains and brake fluid splattered across her shirt. Unless—she’s dead wrong about him. Join her with this real life fairytale set in the small town of Silver Creek to find out how she’ll work her guts out to make her own happily ever after.


Beauty and the Beast: a REAL life fairytale
There's a tale as old as time of two people falling in love, but what happens when Belle won't have anything to do with it. Join her with this real life fairytale set in the small town of Silver Creek to find out how she’ll transform the town's beast into a handsome prince with her heart, not her beautician skills.

The Frogg Princess: a REAL life fairytale
Taya is almost there. Join her in this real-life fairytale, set in the small town of Silver Creek, as she plans to start a new life by opening a little restaurant. Only to find a few rude people that don’t seem to welcome her. But that doesn’t seem to bother Felix Frogg, a local police officer, and the love-at–first-sight reactions he keeps tossing her way. If Taya isn’t careful with the way her heart is softening towards Felix, she could be walking into a lifetime commitment of happily ever after that wasn’t in her plans.

Excerpt from Cinderella: a REAL life fairytale

“Hey, Cindee, before I forget. You have a real nice day.”

I nod with about the blankest expression I’ve ever felt, and then he winks. HE LITERALLY WINKS!

My eyes are as big as I can stretch them.

Either Henry Christensen just did that on purpose, or he has something irritating his eye. I want to go with my first choice, but the second one seems more accurate. I’m the girl with no name, until just now, standing in a huge coat, so it’s gotta be the second choice, right?

“Henry? Is that you?” Priscilla’s sticky-sweet voice interrupts.

He doesn’t speak a word as he presses on the gas to slowly start backing up.

“I’ll stop by the station to pick up the trucks in a while. Make sure you’re there,” he says before quickly pulling onto Main Street where everything disappears, except for the faint glow of his brake lights that blink three times.

Is he saying goodbye? I know other girls back in high school had boys do this to them, but not me. NOT EVER. Not once did a boy tap his brake lights to me. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Praise for the Book

Five Stars: Couldn’t put this book down! This book has a way of not only making you feel what the characters are feeling, but it sucks you in where you don’t want to put it down, Not only have I read this book once, but I read it all over a second time. If you want to get lost for a few hours then I would highly recommend you read this book!!

Five Stars: Sooooo Good! I really enjoyed this novella. I was so happy with the ending. It was well written and kept my attention even when my Grandson interrupted for help on his homework. So happy he left the math worksheet at school. I will be looking for more of this author's work. Hope you enjoy this novella.

Five Stars: A clean romance book! Jamie Brook Thompson has got some mad writing skills! She has talent that can take you to another world for a few hours! I recommend this book to anyone who needs a good chic book (like a chic flick but in book form ;) ) to escape the real world for a bit! And who doesn't love cowboys?!

About the Author Jamie Brook Thompson

Jamie Brook Thompson is a small town girl that loves to tell a good story. She grew up as the daughter of a redneck farmer and hippie mother. Her entire life has been filled with duct tape and peace and love. She currently has 6 children, two dogs, and a handsome Prince of her very own! When she isn’t writing, you can find her out at her father’s ranch changing tires on tractors, working on motors that need repair, or adjusting carburetors on the family four wheelers to ride the high Utah desert. She’s a woman of many talents and trades, but the one she enjoys the most is writing stories to take readers into a world of hope—a world of clean romance!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Betrayed by Blood, novella by Tiffany Shand – Book Review

Betrayed by Blood by Tiffany Shand is a novella and the first instalment in The Amaranthine Chronicles.

The book opens with Kaylan Avilion, a magic-wielder with various gifts and a sad past, coordinating with others to capture a sorcerer whom they suspect is selling certain illegal potions. The attempted capture goes bust and Kaylan's fiancé Elijah is presumed dead.

A year later, Kaylan returns to the city she once lived because her sister, Freya, has gone missing. There she learns that Elijah is still alive but has changed significantly.
There is a lot of evil and many mysteries surrounding Elijah, Freya and the Order which governs the city.

We are told that the Amaranthine are another kind of Order that protects the people, albeit secretly.

I felt there needed to be more character development but could understand why this wasn't evident due to the length of the book (80 pages). The beginning was a bit confusing for me. Until the end, I couldn't figure out which characters had what powers or abilities.

Still, Betrayed by Blood has many interesting characters and I liked how Shand revealed certain aspects about her characters through events. A kind of show don't tell technique but through events. She also uses the "throw problems in their way" technique quite well.

There weren't many images or beautiful lines in the novella so there aren't any quotes – there were a few lines but they are mostly spoilers, so I'm not going to quote them.
Quick-paced and exciting, Betrayed by Blood is a suspense-filled urban fantasy novella.

Overall rating: 3.5 stars

Note: I received a free copy of Betrayed by Blood from the author Tiffany Shand in exchange for an honest review)

About the Author:
Tiffany Shand started writing short stories when she was a child. She has always done writing in one form or another and started writing novels in her early teens.
Tiffany loves to read books and discovered her love for fantasy and paranormal romance.  She writes both non-fiction and fiction, and love helping writers to build their author platforms.
After doing a creative writing course in her early 20s, she is now a freelance writer and professional editor.
Tiffany lives in Essex with her two spoiled cats and one very nutty hamster.

Connect with the author via her Website, blog, Eclipse Editing, Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Interview with Dead over Heels author Theresa Braun

Today, I'm interviewing – and refeaturing – author Theresa Braun on the blog.

Who is she?

Here's a short bio:

Theresa Braun was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and has carried some of that hardiness with her to South Florida where she currently resides. She enjoys delving into creative writing, painting, photography and even bouts of ghost hunting.
Traveling is one of her passions. Her favorite trip to date is to Transylvania where she followed in the steps of Vlad the Impaler. She writes horror fiction and blogs about all things dark. Her short stories are published in Under the Bed Magazine, Hindered Souls, The Horror Zine, Schlock! Webzine, and by Frith Books.
Upcoming work will appear in Hardened Hearts and Monsters Exist.

Now for the exclusive interview with Nadaness In Motion

Q: First off, thank you for answering Nadaness in Motion's questions. I'll begin with something many have probably asked and you've probably wondered about yourself, why do you prefer writing horror stories?
Theresa Braun: Well, I’ve been a bit of a Goth since as far as I can remember. My closet is almost entirely black. Also, I’ve always liked reading dark fiction and watching dark movies. There’s something attractive about our shadow side and things that can be dangerous, like the supernatural. So, I suppose the subject matter and the psychological aspect of horror really inspires me.

Q: Horror books often have a bit of psychology embedded somewhere in the book, how do you go about that part? (Research or do you have a minor degree in psychology or a psychologist friend…)
Theresa Braun: Although I chose to study literature, I came really close to getting a degree in psychology. Human motivations have always fascinated me. Fortunately, I do have one or two friends who are therapists, so I sometimes get to pick their brains about things I’m working on.

Going on about TB's books

Groom and Doom by Theresa Braun
Q: Tell us about your Groom & Doom, what inspired it? Is there a paranormal aspect to it?
Theresa Braun: I wrote that book as therapy after I got divorced. It was my first attempt at longer fiction, so it’s rather rough. It really needs some serious revision. I’ve grown a lot as a person and a writer since then. There’s some magical realism, but it’s not that supernatural in nature. It’s more of a dark romance with an unhappy ending.  

Q: You've mentioned before that many people/readers have asked you if you've considered writing a sequel to Dead over Heels. Have you reached a decision about that? Would it be just books 1 & 2 or a whole series?
Theresa Braun: Right now I don’t have plans to write a sequel. However, it makes me happy to hear that readers want more because it makes me feel like I did something right with the story. Who knows, I might change my mind at some point. My retirement might involve revising or revisiting my early work.

Q: What are you currently working on? Can we expect other short stories like “Dead over Heels” or full-length novels like Groom & Doom?
Dead over Heels by Theresa Braun
Theresa Braun: At the moment, I am really into writing things about the length of Dead over Heels. It’s been my comfort zone for a while now. However, I’m experimenting with writing shorter pieces, and I would really like to eventually get in the habit of working on novels. It takes me a long time to write, so one of my fears is that I won’t finish something longer any time soon.

Q: What other genres would you like to experiment with in the future?
Theresa Braun: I’d definitely like to write more romance. Also, something futuristic/apocalyptic could be interesting. I went through a dystopian period where that was all I read. At some point, I’d like to experiment with something like that.

Q: What/where is your favourite place to write?
Theresa Braun: If I can travel, that’s my ideal environment. I love to sit at a café in an exotic location or in a hotel overlooking a place I’ve never been before. When I’m not traveling, I prefer to write in my bedroom. I pile up lots of pillows and my cats are snuggling nearby. Depending on my mood, I’ll play some music or not. I can really get into the zone in that comfortable space.

Writing advice

Q: What writing tips would you give to an author interested in trying their hand at horror?
Theresa Braun: The best writing tip is to read. Stephen King has been quoted as saying that if you don’t read, you will never become a good writer. I think that’s so true. You have to see how other authors are treating plot, characterization, and setting, including how to write about gore or how to leave it out or imply it. I’m part of a writing group and some of what we do is read established writers and talk about what they do that works. It’s really helpful.

Q: Most people say that writers should write at least 10-15 minutes daily, do you keep a writing routine or do you just write when inspiration hits?
Theresa Braun: Daily writing is a fantastic practice, but I can’t say that I stick to it consistently. Life sometimes gets in the way. For example, I had a root canal recently, and it left me with little desire to be creative. So, I switched to editing mode or reading mode. Ideally, I would love to write for at least an hour every day. When I’m really on a roll, I tend to write for about five hours at a time, sometimes more. It makes me a little delirious, but it’s a wonderful feeling to have been able to spend a chunk of time on a project.
Image found online. Not provided by author.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add?
Theresa Braun: The only thing I’d like to add is that I have a few stories that will be released. Unnerving Magazine is putting out an anthology called Hardened Hearts which will include my piece entitled “Heirloom”. It’s about a therapist who inherits a mirror that has the power to send her into the past against her will. Her whole world gets turned upside down. I’m really excited about its release. And, I’m finishing up a monster story that will be in an upcoming Deadman’s Tome collection called Monsters Exist. There will be 15 amazing stories in there, and I’m thrilled to be alongside some very talented storytellers. My other pieces are still looking for homes at a number of magazines. Fingers crossed.

Also, check out Nadaness In Motion's book review of her novella Dead over Heels

Follow Theresa Braun via TwitterGoodreads, Amazon and her Website.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Excerpt from A Strange Companion by Lisa Manterfield + Giveaway

A Strange Companion by Lisa Manterfield

Kat Richardson isn’t running away from grief; she’s just hiding out in a gloomy Welsh university town until she’s sure it’s gone. Now, one year, nine months, and 27 days after the climbing death of her first love, Gabe, she thinks she’s ready to venture out into the relationship world again. And Owen—a cake-baking, Super Ball-making chemistry student—appears to be a kind, funny, and very attractive option.

But the arrival of Kat’s newly adopted niece, Mai, forces her home to northern England, where she runs headfirst into all the memories of Gabe she’s tried to leave behind—and discovers that Mai stirs up an unnerving feeling of déjà vu. Before long, Kat’s logical, scientific beliefs about life after death are in battle with what she feels to be true—that reincarnation is real and Gabe has come back to her through Mai. The question now, is why?

Taking on the topics of love, loss, and how we deal with grief, A Strange Companion is a twisted love triangle among the living, the dead, and the reincarnated.


Mai dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Frida’s enormous head. She rested her cheek against Frida’s bristly fur and the two of them lay there as if they’d been best pals forever. Luke reached down and ran his hand along Frida’s back. As he moved back to stroke again, his hand paused on Mai’s arm, curled around Frida’s neck.
Luke froze.
I felt the air around us go still—all except for one crackle of energy that danced between Mai and Luke. I felt it, Luke felt it, Frida felt it . . . and so did Mai.
Luke cast his eyes down at the little girl at his feet, who stared, unblinking, back at him. His brow wrinkled, as his mind struggled to understand what I knew his heart felt. Then, something passed between them that I had once seen pass between Luke and his brother. It was more than love, more than understanding, more, even, than blood. It was a deep connection, a spark between two people, two souls, who were inextricably intertwined.
Luke looked at me. “Did you feel that?”
I nodded.
“What was it?”
I hesitated. I knew exactly what it was, but how could I tell Luke? It was one thing to tell Maggie about my suspicions, but Luke was Gabe’s brother. Was it fair of me to risk opening up the hurt I knew he’d spent the past two years trying to heal? But perhaps I wasn’t the only one Gabe needed to visit. I felt a prickle of excitement at the possibility that someone else might finally understand.
Glancing back to make sure Luke and I were out of earshot, I leaned in and whispered. “I think it’s Gabe.”
Luke narrowed his eyes at me. “He’s haunting her?”
I shook my head. “Do you believe in reincarnation, Luke?”
He shrugged, but the expression of curiosity on his face prompted me to take a chance.
“I didn’t either until I met Mai.”

Praise for the Book

“This beautiful blend of heartbreak, finding one’s self, grief, forgiveness, loss, and second chances, is a perfect rainy day read. I cannot say enough good things about this book! Read it with a box of tissues, as you will cry your eyes out.” ~The Reading Wolf

Author Lisa Manterfield
Lisa Manterfield is the award-winning author I’m Taking My Eggs and Going Home: How One Woman Dared to Say No to Motherhood. Her work has appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, Los Angeles Times, and Psychology Today. Originally from northern England, she now lives in Southern California with her husband and over-indulged cat. A Strange Companion is her first novel.

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway

Ends 4/28/17

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Takhayyal writing prompt no. 59: Tree of Life?

Are you ready to be inspired?

Grab  your pen and paper or your keyboard and let's write!

Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen, Artists, Poets, Writers, Authors, Dreamers, Friends and Family; Welcome EVERYONE to Nadaness In Motion's bi-weekly picture-prompt writing challenge Takhayyal.

Arabic for Imagine, Takhayyal is a challenge for writers of all ages and genres; a place to spark creativity and explore new genres.
Your post can be in English or Arabic, prose, poetry, short story, flash fiction; you name it and write it.

General rules:
·        No nudity, violence, and/or abuse.
·        Leave the link to your post in comments below OR post your piece as REPLY to this post
·        Your piece MUST be inspired in some way or other by the above picture
·        Multiple entries allowed
·        It is not required but it is a nice and encouraging gesture to comment on others' pieces.
·        Feel free to add your Twitter handle (@....) so I can tag you in my tweets!


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Introducing The Peculiar Lives of Circus Freaks Anthology & the authors behind it

We are so proud to present the blog tour for The Peculiar Lives of Circus Freaks, a YA paranormal anthology featuring stories from Tia Silverthorne Bach, Amy Evans, Allyson Gottlieb, Liz Long, Kelly Martin,Misty Provencher, Mindy Ruiz and BJ Sheldon!

Join us to celebrate the release of The Peculiar Lives of Circus Freaks! Mindy Ruiz will be hosting a party Saturday, April 1st, at 8 p.m. EST in her street team, The Heart Breakers. We’d love for you to join us!

Cover Design: Regina Wamba of Mae I Design
Interior Formatting: Allyson Gottlieb of Athena Interior Book Design 
Release Date: April 1, 2017

Come one, come all to the Kipling Carnival, 

where you'll meet beasts and beauties and everything in between. 

Inside the Big Top you'll find daring adventures from:

Tia Silverthorne Bach ~The Animal Tamer trying to deny her own animal instincts. 

Amy Evans ~ The Mermaid Prince who’s determined to stand on his own two feet.

Allyson Gottlieb ~ The Magician running from the sins of his past.

Liz Long ~ The Ringmaster, whose last wish is to be in the center ring.

Kelly Martin ~ The Cursed Performer free for one day only.

Misty Provencher ~ The Fortune Teller who takes more than just your breath away.

Mindy Ruiz ~ The Bearded Lady trying to break an ancient curse.

BJ Sheldon takes us behind the circus curtain with her Roadie. 

Unveil the mysteries of The Peculiar Lives of Circus Freaks

Where things are never what they seem.

For more information on The Peculiar Lives of Circus Freaks, and to interact with the authors, join The Peculiars, a Facebook group dedicated to all things circus freaks!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, close-upTia Silverthorne Bach has been married to her college sweetheart for twenty-two years, has three beautiful girls, and adores living in the beautiful state of Colorado. Her daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She believes in fairy tales and happy endings and is an avid reader and rabid grammar hound. 
She is an award-winning, multi-genre author and an Editor for Indie Books Gone Wild. From an early age, she escaped into books and believes they can be the source of healing and strength. If she’s not writing, you can find her on the tennis court, at the movies, reading a good book, or spooning Jif peanut butter right out of the jar.

Amy Evans
Amy Evans is a storyteller, wife, and mother with a life-long obsession with the ocean. In addition to writing books, she loves developing story worlds for all kinds of technology.
She loves dolphins, aliens and pugs, and sometimes writes for so long they all look like the same thing. 
Clicks is her debut novel about instincts, a Surf Carnival, and the hottest beach patrol on the California coast. Clicks are the sounds that the universe makes when it warns you that your world is about to change forever. If you listen to them, you get on the wave before it crests; control your path, surf into your destiny. If you ignore them, the wave crashes around you, and you try desperately not to drown.

Allyson Gottlieb
Allyson Gottlieb- Growing up, Allyson was always the girl with a big imagination and even bigger dreams. A California girl by birth, she currently lives in Boston while attending Emerson College. She has a slight addiction to Starbucks, eyeliner, and chocolate—and, of course, books.Visit her at for the latest book news and fun extras.

Liz Long is a proud graduate of Longwood University. Her inspiration comes from action and thriller genres and she spends entirely too much time watching superhero movies. Her day job as Associate Editor includes writing for a magazine publisher in Roanoke, VA.
Liz LongComic book readers and fans of CW Network smash hits Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Netflix’s Daredevil will root for Liz Long’s bestselling YA summer series as the HoA’s gifted teen superheroes attempt to save their city from its impending demise. The Donovan Circus series has best been described as "X-Men meets the circus." Adult horror story Witch Hearts tells the tale of a serial killer hunting witches for their powers. New Adult PNR A Reaper Made is about a teen Reaper who gets caught between falling in love or saving her sister's soul. All titles are available for paperback or ebook on Amazon. 
To learn more about Liz (including more information on her books, plus writing, marketing, and social media tips), visit her website:

Kelly Martin is an Amazon bestseller and award-winning author. She loves abandoned house photography, ghost stories, and trying to figure out what goes bump in the night. She lives in the heart of Middle Tennessee, where all the cool ghost stories happen.
Kelly loves supernatural TV shows, watching horror gamers on YouTube, and driving around taking pictures of abandoned houses. All of which would make you assume Kelly is very brave... you'd be very wrong. She has to watch Sherlock safely behind her fingers at times. 
She has been married for over ten years, has three little girls, and a one-eyed cat named Sam. 
Subscribe to her newsletter to be notified of new releases: (click on "sign-up")
If you ever have a question or comment, feel free to email her at ♥ You can follow her writing adventure at

Misty Provencher/ Misty Paquette is a prolific author, long-term wife and mama. The second two are a bit more recent, but Provencher’s writing roots date back to the hieroglyphics she left in her mother’s womb.
Image may contain: one or more people, sunglasses and close-upWhile Provencher can ride a motorcycle, knows how to Karate chop, and has learned enough French, Spanish, and Sign Language to get herself slapped, Misty's life is dedicated to connecting with the people who cross her path. She is totally enchanted with the world and spends her days trying to translate her everyday muses into words.
Misty Provencher's catalog includes fantasy books for Young Adults and Teens.
Misty Paquette's catalog houses contemporary romance, literary fiction, Sci-fantasy, and erotica for New Adult and Adult readers. 

A little something for everyone.
Misty Provencher lives in the Mitten. Knock on her internet blog door and sign up for her newsletter at and wherever great coffee is sold.  

Mindy Ruiz is the author of Utopia Con’s 2015 Best Debut Novel: ENCHANTED HEART in The Game of Hearts series. Since her first story about a magical, museum-hopping chair in the fourth grade, she’s loved exploring the things that cannot be explained, and must simply be believed.
Now, Mindy writes paranormal romance guaranteed to make your heart race. Her stories combine snarky heroines, tormented heroes, and buckets of swoon. Mindy is the lover of a good romance, the underdog, and all things John Hughes. She spends her free time chasing after three boys or flirting with her hunky husband. In the quiet moments, she’s watching fantasy television shows, cheering for the Dallas Cowboys, or hanging out at the beach with her incredibly loud Italian family.
Mindy lives in a sleepy beach town in Southern California with her toes in the sand and her mind in the clouds.

BJ SheldonBJ Sheldon is a Young Adult author who has a penchant for the paranormal and supernatural. She is obsessed with strong female characters and the strength and determination that a young adult protagonist can bring to the page. She is the author of The Dusty Chronicles trilogy and The Gibborim Series. She has a B.S. degree in Project Management and a PhD in life. Throughout the years, BJ has found endless inspiration through her childhood in rural Iowa, the mysteries of the paranormal, and her ceaseless need to question everything.
Most days, she can be found in front of her laptop or reading a good book when she isn't trying to keep her dog and 3 cats from taking over the world. Her hobbies include cuticle care, fighting off zombies, and traveling through space and time with a mad man in a blue box. BJ prides herself in being a Whovian, Sherlockian, Potter Head, and an all-around giant nerd.
BJ lives near the Black Hills in South Dakota with her husband, a veteran of the US military, and is the mother to 3 beautiful daughters, 2 of whom are still living at home and making her crazy.
Awards/Honors:Haunting: The Dusty Chronicles - Book One – Readers Favorite Silver Medalist 2011Hear the Crickets: The Gibborim Series - Book One – Best Paranormal Book Nominee UtopiaCon 2016

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