Wednesday, June 29, 2016

When… Thoughts/Poem by Nada Adel Sobhi


When the world conspires to stop you from being happy,
When everyone seems to know everything,
When they want to show you you're ignorant,
When everyone puts you down without a remedy,
When people come and go unaware of your inner turmoil,
When they see your tears and ask if you're happy
When they see you crying but just walk out like you're nothing
When your problems are your own, but others' are yours as well,
When your ship begins to sink, and none seems to be a worthy aid,
When everyone seems content with their lives, they move on to yours,
When people feel you're happy, so they direct their energies to making you miserable
When your happiness is not enough to steer in the direction you seek,
When your happiness is seen as a selfish desire,
When you want something so bad, everyone decides it's not right for you – as if they know,
When people decide they can foresee your future, but they can't even see your present,

When… when… when…
The list is endless

When you no longer want to put up with people's shit,
When all the world can rot for all you care
When your heart turns to stone,
When your anger builds,
When you truly become selfish

What will the world and all those people do then?
(Carry on with their BS)

 Written 29 June 2016

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