Welcome to Nadaness In Motion's author interview page. Here, I'll be posting links to my interviews with authors and writers (may be even bloggers) from various genres and from across the globe.
Keep checking back as I regularly update the Interviews page.
If you're an author and would like me to interview you, just email me using the Contact Form on the side of the page (you might need to scroll down a little).
My first interview of 2020 is with young poet and author Nisha Shankar about her debut poetry collection The Drink Selection.
Nisha answers questions like how she decided to arrange the pieces in her collection and what her favorite poem was!

This interview with author and poet Sophie Schiller was originally meant for April, which also happens to be National Poetry Month, but it came out a little later than I anticipated. I did review the book during April though.
So meet Sophie Schiller, who talks about her debut poetry collection On a Moonlit Night in the Antilles, how she found inspiration, travelling and writing, and her activities during National Poetry Month.

In April, I interviewed the Abracadabra Mystery Series author Sharon Pape. I had been planning to read more from the series but due to time constraints was only able to take on the interview. I've read book 1 in the series Magick and Mayhem and absolutely loved it!
So on to the interview with Sharon Pape, where we go in-depth about the cozy mystery genre, if her books were turned into movies, who'd be the actors, writing, and influences.
In March, I finally got the chance to feature prolific cozy mystery author Laura Childs on my blog. She's the author of several cozy mystery series including The Tea Shop Mysteries, which we talk about in this exclusive interview.
2020 update: I got to read the newest book in The Tea Shop Mystery Series: Lavender Blue Murder.
In August, I have interviewed 18-year-old author Jeremiah D. Davis, who has so far published 4 books, the latest is the first in a series of a political, mythological fantasy. Speaking about his newest series, Davis explains that it follows a hunter named Curtis and those he travels with. "I want it
to be a cautionary tale as well as a great read, with a hint of real world
influence. It will primarily focus on the hunting of the “Great Beasts,” but
also give insight into a society that is trying to rebuild after its previous failures."

I'm super excited to feature author, poet, book editor, and friend Erin Sweet Al Mehairi, whose poetry and short story collection BREATHE. BREATHE. got a five-star book review from me, Nadaness In Motion. Al Mehairi has edited several anthologies and been published in several more.
Erin talks about books, travelling and inspiration, book marketing, and lots, I mean LOTS of reading! Check out the exclusive interview!

My first author interview for 2018 is with Irish author David Ahern, whose Madam Tulip novel I reviewed. Ahern is a documentary writer and director, whose experience with the stage has played a major role in the crafting of the Madam Tulip mystery books.
Having read two of Patricia Furstenberg's children's books, I figured it was time to fully feature this amazing author on Nadaness In Motion. Furstenberg has lots of children's books under sleeve - or name. The Romania-born South African is prolific to say the least and a must read for every child. Her books are for ages 2 and up, but can be enjoyed by both children and grown ups looking for something fun and light.

Nisha answers questions like how she decided to arrange the pieces in her collection and what her favorite poem was!
I got the chance to interview one of my favorite cozy mystery authors in 2019 and it's Kirsten Weiss! If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll see I've reviewed several of Kirsten's books including The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum, Pressed to Death (Book 2 in the paranormal museum series), and poetry collection Tales of the Rose Rabbit.
I've also featured Kirsten in a collaborative guest post about writing cozy mysteries as opposed to traditional mysteries.
While this interview is about Kirsten's new book, it also tackles some of her other writing.

This interview is a bit different from my usual author ones. In this post, I interview the main character from the Haunted Library Mysteries, Carrie Singleton. The books form a paranormal cozy mystery series by Allison Brook (aka Marilyn Levinson). Check out the character interview along with a book review of the third book in the series, Buried in the Stacks. Let me know what you think!

Meet HILARIOUS cozy mystery author Annabelle Hunter, who I discovered in a blog tour and you can officially call me a FAN! I read her short and quick-paced mystery LEG UP and was hooked! The main character is super sarcastic and the book just had a ton of laugh-out-loud moments.
So check out my exclusive interview with Annabelle Hunter and get some writing tips along the way. Also check out my book review of LEG UP.

So meet Sophie Schiller, who talks about her debut poetry collection On a Moonlit Night in the Antilles, how she found inspiration, travelling and writing, and her activities during National Poetry Month.

2020 update: I got to read the newest book in The Tea Shop Mystery Series: Lavender Blue Murder.

Erin talks about books, travelling and inspiration, book marketing, and lots, I mean LOTS of reading! Check out the exclusive interview!

My first author interview for 2018 is with Irish author David Ahern, whose Madam Tulip novel I reviewed. Ahern is a documentary writer and director, whose experience with the stage has played a major role in the crafting of the Madam Tulip mystery books.

Check out the full interview with Wendy Tyson.

I've featured author Tiffany Shand on my blog before through book reviews, but it was time to go ahead with a short interview as the author launches her new novella trilogy THE SHIFTER CLANS. Check out the interview with an except.
Shand writes paranormal action romances and books on author marketing.
Allow me to introduce you to urban fantasy writer Petra Landon and her saga The Chosen. Petra has lots to talk about and this is an interview you don't want to miss if you want to learn about world building and more. Petra has also provided an excerpt from the first instalment in her series for the post.
Also check out the giveaway for two Kindle copies of The Prophecy by Petra Landon via Nadaness In Motion.
Also check out the giveaway for two Kindle copies of The Prophecy by Petra Landon via Nadaness In Motion.

Meet horror-writing author Theresa Braun in this exclusive interview, tackling her works in progress, writing, and of course the horror genre. She also talks about how one of her books was a means of therapy for her.
Interview with Portuguese author Goncalo Dias featuring several excerpts from the first instalment in his trilogy, The Good Dictator. It's a different kind of interview.

Meet author E.E. Bertram and her novel November Fox, where she mixed the metaphysical with science fiction, a possible tinge of romance with music and positivity. Check out the exclusive interview here.

Author Belinda Crawford and I talk about science fiction, setting, "show don't tell" and her Hero Rebellion trilogy in this exclusive interview. Check it out here.

Join me and author Mark Benjamin about his debut novel A Change of Heart, where we discuss setting, characterisation, personal bits and Vampires! The interview can be found here.

Interview with mystery writer Shelley Freydont about mixing historical fiction with mysteries, plotting, characters and more in the New Port Gilded Age Mystery series.
The interview can be found here

A short interview with Australian author Isobel Blackthorn along with an excerpt from her novel The Drago Tree can be found here.

Translation, Arwa Saleh, publishing & more - An interview with writer, scholar and translator Samah Selim

As part of a blog tour with Xpresso Book Tours, I got the chance to interview author Kate Tailor, where we talked about writing, science fiction, publishing and more. Check it out here.
My first interview in 2015:


Check out our interview on writing, publishing, Rebecca, and more here.

My first interview is with Cache a Predator author Michelle Weidenbenner.
Check out the Interview and my Book Review.

The interview is divided into two parts; as Aria put it "Coz we're chatty". Enjoy Part I and Part II.

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